Add other users at your company

As you grow with Gasology, you may need to add additional employees to your company profile. Company administrators can invite their employees to join them on the platform and designate different permission levels to manage their access rights.

You can invite as many employees as you would like. There is no limit on user accounts and no cost for additional users.

Who should have access to Gasology

Anyone who looks at fuel prices and makes fuel purchasing decisions should have access to the Gasology platform. Remember to invite both primary team members and their backups.

You’ll also want to invite individuals at your company who are responsible for processing invoices to close out transactions.

Lastly, if there are individuals who are responsible for your private tanks or fleets in terms of status and location, you may wish to include them on the platform, too.

Invite your employees

Only administrators can add new users to their company account. To add a new employee user, navigate to your company Settings manager. Here, click on My Users > Invite Employees. Enter your employee’s email address. Information you provide on the invitee is optional and visible to admin users.


User access rights

After you have sent the invitation, your employee will go through the invitation and sign-up process (for details, please see this article on creating a user account).

Updating user rights for Businesses 

Upon logging in to the platform, the new user will see a limited set of menu items based on their account user-level permissions. 

If the new user needs increased access to platform functionality, admins can adjust their user's access rights as required. The following roles and levels of permission exist on a business account:

  • Basic - No access to Find Fuel, Connectivity, or Settings manager
  • Trader - No access to the Settings manager
  • Admin - full platform access

To edit a user's access rights, navigate to Settings > My Users > User Roles.

Click the pencil next to the employee you would like to update. Select from the drop-down the access level you would like your user to have.

Click Save to update your user's permissions.

Up next

The next article in this course covers how to add and manage your treasury accounts for your company.