Initiating Delivery and Accepting Fuel

The following introduction covers how fuel is delivered by fuel merchants and accepted by business consumers.

Now that we have covered reserving fuel, let's talk about when and how fuel is delivered from the merchant to the consumer.

Every reservation has a delivery period designating the day, month, or year when the fuel will either be delivered to the consumer directly, or be picked up from the seller by the consumer. Fuel can also be reserved for and delivered the same day if available.

Delivery type, origin, destination of delivery, and FOB (origin or destination) are specified when the gallons are reserved. Physical delivery of fuel will be completed within the day, month, or year of the reservation.

Initiating Delivery

Initiating the delivery of fuel from supplier to buyer is a straightforward process. Delivery begins when a buyer requests a shipment.

Managing deliveries for Merchants

Merchants will create an e-shipment in the Deliver/Receive manager after receiving a shipment request from a customer. Each request specifies delivery date, customer, delivery method and total gallons.

Merchants can allocate any number of gallons in the shipment as Gasology gallons, tying them to a Gasology fuel reservation. Once the shipment is created, the e-shipment is sent to the customer.

For more information on how a merchant delivers gallons to their customer, click here.


Business Consumers

Upon receiving the physical shipment of fuel, the business customer will accept the shipment on Gasology. Accepting the shipment on Gasology initiates payment to the supplier.

The Deliver/Receive manager lists deliveries that have been made in addition to those in transit. In transit deliveries can be selected and allocated as Gasology gallons accepted. Once the delivery is accepted, merchants are notified that the fuel has been delivered and the transaction is complete.


Business consumers can access detailed information on their current fuel position from the Activity manager. Here, reservation activity is listed by shipment so the customer can sort and view their shipment and reservation activity as needed.


For more information on how businesses can accept deliveries, navigate to the following article on the delivery process here.

Your next step

Now that we have introduced the shipping process, let's keep moving forward. In our next introduction article, we discuss the process of connecting and building your network of business relationships. Click here to proceed.